All gamers deserve to feel healthy and confident.

Being overweight is tough, we get it...

With over 30 years of experience gaining, losing and regaining weight between us, you can trust that we know your challenges when it comes to losing weight, both mental and physical.


Imagine a life without having to worry about your weight. By simplfying the process and giving you a realistic weight loss plan, you can get the results you have always dreamed of and enjoy the process 

Player 1 -

Nadi is passionate about results and helping others feel their best. This lead her to complete her bachelor of health science majoring in nutrition and dietetics. When she is not on her mission to eradicate obesity, you can find her nerding out on Thoccy keyboards and shapeshifting her way through Baldur’s Gate 3.

Player 2 - Chris

Chris is a lifelong hard core gamer picking up the controllers before he could walk. Outside of gaming he also shares the same fiery passion for creating delicious food and making people feel comfortable. Chris attended William Angliss to master his skills in the kitchen as well as the Australian Institute of Fitness to help others learn the art of movement. When he’s not cooking up a storm in the kitchen, he will surely be exploring the worlds of any From Software game.

Our mission: arm overweight gamers with a weight management skillset to gives them a healthier, more enjoyable life.

Did you know? A staggering 80% of people who lose weight will put it all back on within 5 years.

Let us help you avoid becoming another statistic.